Rio Hondo College (PDL)
3600 Workman Mill Rd., Whittier, CA 90601
From $8.00
No upcoming date/times for this event.
General Admission attendee seating is offered at first come first serve basis.
Want to celebrate your faith? On june 1th it sis faith and family/ employeee appreciation and silver sneaker night we will be having a pre-worship on the game and then a post chat/questions and autographs with the players. Donate food for your local church pantry. There will be lots of vendors for all ages. The first 250 kids will receive a special soccer tote as well as the first 250 adults will receive a coffee mug.
No refunds or returns.
An event can only be canceled by the venue and/or event organizer. If the venue or event organizer cancels an event, you will be refunded within 4 business days of the event date for your purchase.